Wednesday, November 11, 2009

T-shirt giveaway

-- A positive spin on a cheeky darkie

Yesterday we pondered Cadel Evans’ now merchandised spin on his threats to cut journalist heads off.

What a great idea, we thought, quickly turning our attention to the commercial potential of promoting grave personality defects.

While there are a few local cyclists who should consider a T-shirt of their own, Chopper Guard cast the net wider to conjure its own MOFO series, celebrating local political outcast Hone Harawira and his fun with racism.

So, here they are. $30 a piece.


Anonymous said...

White motherfuckers like you have been raping our lands and ripping us off for centuries. I claim these T shirts under the Waitangi Treaty.


PS How the fuck do you white fellas put a knot in your tie. I can't do it.

Anonymous said...

Good thinking, cuz.

Ka pai.

Reckon these shirts will go off up north.

See you on the bro-down

Anonymous said...

Do they come in black or brown?

Anonymous said...

Also, I thought "White Mofo and Proud" could be a go-er although that night be seen as slighthly racist... god forbid