Friday, December 12, 2008

Chopper Guard personality of the year

-- In what must be this year’s most cringe-worthy PR blunder, the unfortunately proportioned Auckland City councillor Toni Millar’s ill-advised television rant transformed her from an unknown bureaucrat into a cycling community hate figure. Nice work.

Did one of her white linen suited St Heliers neighbours put her up to it? Surely it wasn’t of her own volition. On Campbell Live she raved, blathered and jiggled, railing against cyclists’ arrogance and their menace on Tamaki Drive.

Hello. Tamaki Drive is an Auckland Mecca. Every day thousands of Aucklanders travel along it, to and from the city and between the beaches, stopping for coffee, rollerblading, kiting, watching; in their own way putting some joy into their lives. The braying masses tend to overwhelm progress as usual. Hell, sometimes it's tough even making decent progress on a bike. But most reasonable thinking people embrace the chaos, figuring that a little inconvenience is a small price to pay for a destination this good. It’s not a place or the thoroughfare for the selfish and uptight. 

Be cool. Relax. Breathe in. Breathe out.

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